RAI is a groundbreaking approach to business startup and development that combines the best of a human coach with the best of 'AI', creating success pathways for new entrepreneurs in the specific area of business startups.
We have been operating a traditional business model for the past 3 years, gathering data and information. Rocketeer Academy recently went live with Alpha testing (rocketeer.ac).
Rocketeer Artificial Intelligence is where we take this combined learning and integrate with AI to create our APP/DASHBOARD for new startup entrepreneurs and the business coaches.
We expect in the region of 1-3 million monthly users worldwide by Q4 2028. We have created the 'engine' for this business and have started development of the first prototype.
We are looking for specialists in artificial intelligence, open to explore business collaborations and continue to explore further financing opportunities.
If you would like to be involved with and benefit from this exciting and ground breaking project then reach out to our team.